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Jiaogulan Tea

Jiaogulan Tea

"Experience the power of Jiaogulan, also known as "The Herbal Heart De

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Referred to as "The Herbal Heart Defender", Jiaogulan has been used in Asia for centuries as a refreshing and health-promoting herbal tea. Jiaogulan assists the body in achieving homeostasis (constant internal balance).


What is Jiaogulan? - Jiaogulan (scientific name Gynostemma Pentaphyllum), is a member of the cucumber family. As the name implies, it grows in characteristic five-leaf clusters and is a low-lying vine or ground cover. Jiaogulan leaves have been used for centuries in China and make a refreshing and healthy tea.

What are Adaptogens? - Russian scientist N. V. Lazarev coined the term adaptogen in 1947 to describe herbs that have "a normalizing action on various bodily functions regardless of the direction of the pathological condition." In other words, an adaptogen is an herb that helps the body self-regulate. If something is out of balance, either too much of something or too little of something, an adaptogen helps the body return to the ideal state.
What are Jiaogulan's Benefits? - Jiaogulan may have a direct strengthening effect on the heart, possibly causing the heart to beat more powerfully. It may also have several secondary cardiovascular effects in promoting healthy blood pressure, healthy digestion, strength and endurance. In addition, gynostemma has been shown in laboratory studies to widen blood vessels.
Is Regenerations Jiaogulan Tea Organic? - Yes!, Regenerations Jiaogulan Tea is cultivated Organically, meaning no chemicals or pesticides are used along the entire harvesting process.
Can I prepare Jiaogulan as an Ice Tea? - Yes!, Jiaogulan is a refreshing iced tea. Just prepare the tea as usual and then chill.
What Drug interactions should I watch out for? - In studies, Jiaogulan has been shown to increase the time blood needs to clot. When it is taken with antiplatelet or anticoagulant drugs, the drug's effect may be increased, resulting in uncontrolled bleeding. Antiplatelets include clopidogrel, and Ticlid Anticoagulants include heparin and warfarin. Because it can affect immune system function, gynostemma may interfere with the effects of drugs used to suppress the immune system after organ transplants or in other conditions. Taking gynostemma is not recommended for patients who take drugs such as: azathioprine (Imuran), CellCept, cyclosporine (Neoral, Sandimmune), Prograf, Rapamune, Zenapax.

How should I brew Jiaogulan Tea? - Jiaogulan is a delicate tea. Heat the water, then turn off the heat just before the water coming to a boil. Steep the tea for 2-3 minutes until a light golden color.
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Frequently Asked Questions about Jiaogulan Tea

Why Would You Use Jiaogulan Tea

Jiaogulan has a variety of potential benefits, including a direct strengthening effect on the heart, promoting healthy blood pressure, and improving digestion, strength, and endurance. It may also help to widen blood vessels and support the immune system.

How Does Jiaogulan Tea Work?

The Herbal Heart Defender" and has been used in Asia for centuries as a refreshing and health-promoting herbal tea. The herb is believed to assist the body in achieving homeostasis, or a state of constant internal balance. It is also known as an adaptogen, which means it helps the body self-regulate when something is out of balance.

Jiaogulan has a variety of potential benefits, including a direct strengthening effect on the heart, promoting healthy blood pressure, and improving digestion, strength, and endurance. It may also help to widen blood vessels and support the immune system.

Directions for Use For Jiaogulan Tea

Jiaogulan is a delicate tea. Heat the water, then turn off the heat just prior to the water coming to a boil. Steep the tea for 2-3 minutes until a light golden color.

Add a teaspoon of Jiaogulan Herbal Tea to 8 oz. (250 mL) of boiled pure water, steep for 3-4 minutes until tea turns light golden color.
How should I brew Jiaogulan Tea? - Jiaogulan is a delicate tea. Heat the water, then turn off the heat just prior to the water coming to a boil. Steep the tea for 3-4 minutes until a light golden color.

Can I prepare Jiaogulan as an Ice Tea? - Yes!, Jiaogulan is a refreshing iced tea. Just prepare the tea as normal and then chill.

For best results try 4 to 8 cups daily for 3 months.

Ingredients For Jiaogulan Tea

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